About Us

About Us

Welcome Message

Welcome to the homepage of the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The REO provides the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) with administrative support for the effective discharge of its statutory functions under the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance. We execute the decisions of the EAC on the delineation of geographical constituency and District Council constituency boundaries, the registration of electors and the conduct of elections.

Our primary role is to ensure that elections in Hong Kong are conducted in an open, honest and fair manner. With this objective in mind, my colleagues and I oversee the effective conduct of elections and strive for continuous improvement to better serve the community.

This homepage provides you with information on our major responsibilities and services as well as the latest information on voter registration and election-related activities.   We hope you will find our homepage useful and informative.   We also welcome your comments or suggestions on our services.

Raymond WANG
Chief Electoral Officer