Organisation Chart
Tel: 3847 7888
Tel:3847 7859
- Secretariat support for the Electoral Affairs Commission
Tel: 3847 7860
- Secretariat support for the Electoral Affairs Commission
Senior Electoral Officer
Tel: 3847 7861
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Mandy WONG
Tel: 3847 7862
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Joan LUI
Tel: 3847 7863
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Rita LAI
Tel: 3847 7864
- Registration of electors
- Assisting in the conduct of the Voter Registration Campaign
Tel: 3847 8018
- Compilation of the Provisional Register of Electors/Voters, Omissions List and Final Register of Electors/Voters, including registration of electors and updating of electors' particulars
Ms Annie LAI
Tel: 3847 8019
- Arranging publicity work relating to Voter Registration Campaign
- Compilation of and amendments to the Provisional / Interim / Final Register of the Members of Election Committee (“EC”), including the processing of registration as ex-officio members of EC
Mr LI Chung Kan
Tel: 3847 8020
Tel: 2891 4038
- Conducting enhanced checking on accuracy of electors' registered particulars
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Michelle TSO
Tel: 3575 8400
- Updating of electors' particulars
- Arranging publicity work relating to Voter Registration Campaign
- Arranging and conducting School Visit Programme
Ms Clara YAU
Tel: 2127 7100
- Processing applications for registration of electors and updating of electors' particulars
- Assisting in the process of registration of particulars relating to candidates on ballot papers and maintaining a register
Mr Ken LI
Tel: 2559 2361
- Overseeing the administrative and personnel matters of the Voter Registration Division
- Handling hotline enquires
Ms Amanda LI
Tel: 2891 2267
- Departmental administration
Tel: 3847 7808
- Human resources management and personnel services
- General administration
- Finance, accounting and resource management
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Carmen HO
Tel: 3847 7806
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Priscilla CHAN
Tel: 3847 7847
- Procurement of goods / services
- Stores management
Ms Moris CHAN
Tel: 3104 2578
Tel: 3847 8083 / 2359 9133
- Planning, studying, managing, upgrading and implementing the information technology application systems and infrastructure system of REO, and improving the departmental information security safeguard
- Enhancement and support of the New Electoral and Registration System and related systems
- Implementation of information security safeguard
Mr Dagan CHIU
Tel: 2827 7617
- Enhancement and support of the New Electoral and Registration System and related systems
- Implementation of information security safeguard
Mr Manfred SHUNG
Tel: 2116 5512
- Enhancement and support of the Electronic Poll Register System
- Implementation of information security safeguard
Mr Alex CHAN
Tel: 3428 3521
- Enhancement and support of the Electronic Poll Register System
Mr Timothy CHENG
Tel: 3586 2989
- Liaison with the media
- News and publicity activities
Tel: 3847 7907
Tel: 3847 8088
- Planning and organising elections (except rural representative elections)
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer (E) 1
Ms Sandy LING
Tel: 2827 7139
- Recruiting electoral staff to perform polling and counting duties for elections
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Kelly WONG
Tel: 2352 0307
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Raymond LUI
Tel: 2352 0308
- Planning and organising training activities for electoral staff
Mr Ivan NG
Tel: 2395 1078
- Implementing the Electronic Poll Register System for use in elections
Ms Phoebe NG
Tel: 2690 1039
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer (E) 2
Ms Cindy PANG
Tel: 3104 2458
- Providing executive support to Nominations Advisory Committees and Returning Officers
- Assisting the Returning Officers in the processing of nomination of candidates
- Preparing electoral forms
- Arranging for gazettal of the nomination period, appointment of Returning Officers and nomination results
- Processing returns on election expenses and donations and applications for financial assistance
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Sonia YAU
Tel: 3104 2493
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Alex YIU
Tel: 3107 2152
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Desmond CHOW
Tel: 3107 2998
- Preparing poll cards, introduction to candidates and related electoral documents
- Arranging free postage for election advertisements by candidates
- Co-ordinating and handling of administrative matters for the Elections Division
Mr Tenniel TAM
Tel: 2895 0995
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer (E) 3
Mr Lewes LEUNG
Tel: 2191 3908
- Coordinating the design, production, checking and distribution of ballot papers and electoral documents for elections
- Setting up and operating the Central Command Centre and Statistical Information Centre
- Arranging election briefing for Returning Officers and candidates
- Providing logistics support to Elections Division, including booking of venues, printing services, transportation, etc.
- Processing the application of exit poll and related matters
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Monica CHOW
Tel: 2191 3122
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Christina WONG
Tel: 2191 3199
- Setting up and operating Media Centres for applicable elections
- Arranging bookings of venues for Central Counting Stations and Media Centres for applicable elections
- Preparing contingency plans for elections
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer (E) 4
Ms Sharon TSANG
Tel: 2321 5146
- Drawing up the workflow of Central Counting Station
- Designing and setting up Central Counting Station
- Procuring counting and related materials for Central Counting Station
- Providing training for electoral staff deployed to Central Counting Stations
- Designing, testing and implementing computer systems for use in Central Counting Station
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Thomas SHUM
Tel: 3468 2159
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Sherine CHAN
Tel: 2234 5024
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Vincent WONG
Tel: 3620 3346
Deputy Chief Electoral Officer (E) 5
Tel: 2967 0992
- Identifying suitable venues as polling and counting stations for elections
- Making logistic arrangements for setting up polling and counting stations
- Allocating electors to respective polling stations
- Planning the electoral arrangements for imprisoned, remanded and detained electors to vote
- Coordinating transport services for delivering ballot boxes from polling stations to Central Counting Station
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Damon LUM
Tel: 3104 2651
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Jeff YU
Tel: 2645 3735
Senior Electoral Officer
Mr Jimmy KWONG
Tel: 2895 0879
Senior Electoral Officer
Ms Carmen MAK
Tel: 2958 1268