About Us

About Us

Services and Pledges

This web page outlines the work of the Registration and Electoral Office (“REO”) and reports our performance achievements including our environmental improvement measures taken in 2022. It also spells out the key performance targets we aim to achieve in 2023.

Our Responsibilities

We provide the Electoral Affairs Commission (“EAC”) with administrative support for the effective discharge of its statutory functions under the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance (Cap. 541). The aim is to ensure that elections are conducted openly, honestly and fairly. Under the direction of the EAC, we implement the decisions of the Commission in relation to -

  • the review and delineation of Legislative Council geographical constituency and District Council geographical constituency;
  • the registration of electors; and
  • the conduct and supervision of elections
Our Services
Registration of Electors

The Final Registers of Electors will be issued on or before 25 September annually. Applications for registration as an elector can be sent to this Office throughout the year. If your application reaches the Electoral Registration Officer (“ERO”) on or before 2 June and the application satisfies the criteria for registration, your name and residential address will be included in the Final Registers of Electors to be compiled for that year. The application for registration will be processed for compilation of the Final Registers for the following year if it is received after 2 June.

Updating of Electors' Records

If your personal particulars recorded in the register have changed, please notify the ERO on or before 2 June. The change will be reflected in the Final Registers of Electors to be compiled for that year. The application for change of particulars will be processed for compilation of the Final Registers for the following year if it is received after 2 June.

How to register as an elector and update registration particulars

Application forms for registration as an elector or for reporting changes of personal particulars are available free of charge at the REO, District Offices and the management offices of public housing estates. You may also download a copy of the registration form from our website. If you are holding a valid personal digital certificate, you may also register on-line through the GovHK website(www.gov.hk).

Our Pledge Achievement in 2022 Target in 2023
Upon receipt of your application for registration or change of particulars, we will normally complete initial processing within 14 days. During the voter registration drive in an election year, due to the need to process a large number of applications, the response time will be slightly extended. 100% 100%
Notification of Electors of the Electoral Arrangements

When an election is to be held, we shall send a poll card to every registered elector. The poll card provides information on the date of election, polling hours, the constituency to which the elector belongs, and the address of the polling station allocated to the elector.

Our Pledge Achievement in 2022 Target in 2023
We will issue notification of election arrangements to electors 10 days before the polling day.1 100% 100%

1Five days for the Election Committee subsector elections.

Enquiry Services

If you have any enquiries in relation to our services and election-related matters, please call our 24-hour interactive-voice hotline. Our staff will be available to answer your call during office hours. You can also write to us by fax, by e-mail or by mail.

Our Pledge Achievement in 2022 Target in 2023
We will respond to all enquiries by telephone or in person during office hours. We will respond to letters or e-mail within 10 days after receipt. 100% 100%
Environmental Protection and Green Management
Our Pledge

We are committed to ensuring that our operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner and increasing staff awareness on environmental protection and green management.

Our Achievement

We conducted the 2022 Chief Executive Election and the 2022 Legislative Council Election Committee Constituency By-election, and carried out the preparatory work for the 2023 Rural Ordinary Election and the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election in 2022. We have adopted various measures including extending the use of recycled paper for various activities, printing electoral publications with environmentally-friendly ink on paper made from woodpulp derived from sustainable forests, distributing electoral publications in a digital format, recovering waste paper for recycling, making better use of electronic means in disseminating electoral information, adopting the green specifications in the purchases of products promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) whenever practicable and encouraging our staff to adopt green practices in their workplace.

Some of our achievements in the reduction of paper consumption and energy consumption, and in the promotion of green purchase and staff awareness of environmental protection are set out below -

  1. we have uploaded the EAC's Guidelines on Election-related Activities and election reports to the EAC website for public viewing, and reduced the quantity of the printed copy;
  2. we have provided candidates with an option of 'household' address labels, as against 'individual' address labels, for free posting of election mails. Candidates are encouraged to use 'household' labels for sending election mails as this can save substantial resources in the production of address labels and election mails;
  3. we have minimised paper consumption by avoiding sending original documents after they have been sent by fax or email, extending the use of e-mails to disseminate information, minimising photocopies and avoiding producing excessive copies, posting circulars and other share-use materials on the Department's electronic bulletin board, practising double-sided photocopying and printing, using the blank side of used paper for receiving fax, drafting or photocopying, placing recycling boxes near the photocopiers to collect single-sided paper for reuse, reusing envelopes and loose minute jackets, using e-invitations for promotion ceremonies and sending greeting cards in festive occasions by electronic means;
  4. we have adopted green energy management practices in the offices which include setting air-conditioning at appropriate room temperature, lowering venetian blinds when sunlight is strong, switching off lights, air conditioners, computers and electrical appliances when not in use, and arranging for the 'last-man-out' to check and switch off all lighting, office equipment and electrical appliances, etc. when leaving office;
  5. we have purchased office equipment and electrical appliances with high energy efficiency or the Recognition Type Energy Label under the Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, with automatic energy saving function or with built-in duplex printing units, as appropriate, and explored improvement areas on how best energy consumption could be minimised (e.g. setting the timer for all photocopiers to switch to energy saving mode in ten minutes to achieve energy saving);
  6. we have adopted the green specifications in the purchases of products promulgated by the EPD whenever practicable, and included “trade-in option” in quotations to promote recycling;
  7. we have recommended items with residual value for public auction for reuse or recycling at the Board of Condemnation for unserviceable inventory items;
  8. we have used the green stationery items supplied by the Government Logistics Department (“GLD”) and returned used toners and inkjet cartridges to the contractor for reuse through GLD;
  9. we have included environmental friendly measures in the cleansing contracts by requiring our cleansing contractors to practise recycling and use cleansing products that comply with the green specifications developed by the EPD and the GLD as far as possible;
  10. we have served drinking water in reusable cups when hosting meetings to minimise the consumption of disposable foam and plastic cups;
  11. we have provided appropriate number of reusable tableware in office pantries for shared use by staff and encouraged staff to bring their own reusable tableware to REO's events/activities and for take-away meals with a view to reducing the use of disposable tableware; and
  12. we have appointed a Green Manager and Energy Wardens to promote and implement green measures and issued green tips on green measures to all colleagues to promote staff awareness of green management.

We aim to achieve good indoor air quality (“IAQ”) to safeguard the health of our staff and visitors and contribute to their comfort and well-being. Apart from arranging regular cleaning of air-conditioning vents and carpets to maintain good IAQ in the offices, we have conducted assessments under the IAQ Certification Scheme for REO's premises. We have successfully renewed “Excellent Class” grading under the IAQ Certification Scheme for our former office at the Harbour Centre, and “Good Class” IAQ Certificate for our offices at the Millennium City Phase 6, the Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre (“KITEC”) and the Revenue Tower in 2022.

We have carried out carbon audits for our offices at KITEC with annual electricity consumption over 500 000 kWh to monitor the greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emission. According to the carbon audits, the total GHG emission of the offices at KITEC is 402 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in financial year 2021/22. We will continue to monitor the total GHG emission of the said premises and adopt appropriate carbon reduction measures.

We have also implemented various measures to reduce GHG emission and fuel consumption -

  1. our saloon car is an environmentally-friendly saloon car with low emission and fuel-efficient engine; and
  2. our driver continues to comply with the requirement to switch off idling engine and observe eco-driving practices.
Our Target

We have set the following targets for 2023 –

  1. to continue exploring the feasibility of economising the printing of election-related materials and encouraging electors to provide or update their email addresses with a view to further reducing paper consumption;
  2. to continue issuing electoral boundary maps, Guidelines on Election-related Activities, election reports, etc. in digital format, and reducing the quantity of the printed copy;
  3. to continue implementing housekeeping measures and installing environmentally-friendly devices, and to explore more green initiatives which can be implemented in office operations and activities of REO with a view to reducing paper and energy consumption;
  4. to achieve “Good Class” grading or above in the issue and renewal of IAQ Certificates under IAQ Certification Scheme, and to carry out regular IAQ inspections for various REO's premises;
  5. to continue adopting green procurement by supporting and promoting the practice of environmentally responsible purchasing;
  6. to reinforce the importance of environmental protection and sustainability by making continuous efforts in promoting staff awareness of green management and implementing green measures in our daily operations; and
  7. to continue encouraging our staff to bring their own reusable tableware instead of disposable tableware to REO's events/activities and for take-away meals with a view to reducing the use of disposable tableware.
Effective Monitoring

We are committed to doing our best to meet our performance standards and targets. The performance is closely monitored by the Chief Electoral Officer.

Suggestions or Complaints

If you have any suggestions or comments on the services provided by the REO, please contact us through the following means -

By Post : 8/F, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
By Phone : 2891 1001
By Fax : 2827 4644
E-mail: reoenq@reo.gov.hk