Service Desk

Service Desk
Electoral Information Centre - Learn more about Hong Kong's electoral systems

Learn more about Hong Kong's electoral systems

Elections concern the rights and obligations of every Hong Kong citizen.
Open, honest and fair elections are vital to the political and social development of our community.
Thorough and detailed planning and arrangements are essential for the conduct of the Chief Executive, Legislative Council and District Council elections in Hong Kong.

How much do you know about our elections?

The Electoral Information Centre (“EIC”) introduces the electoral systems in a systematic and lively manner.
Exhibits are constantly renewed for the promotion of elections and voter registration drive.
Welcome to the Centre.

7/F, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
8:45am - 6:00pm
Prior booking is required
Sundays and public holidays

Visit Arrangements
Activities of the Electoral Information Centre include talks on electoral information, mock polling, interactive games, exhibitions and information kiosks, and photo-taking with the Ballot Box Family. Our staff provide guided tours and talks to visitors. Visitors may souvenirs during their visit. Each visit lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Appointments and enquiries
2891 1001
2893 7538
Booking Form

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