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Service Desk

Forms for 2020 Legislative Council General Election

Nominations Advisory Committees
Application by a Prospective Candidate to a Nominations Advisory Committee for Advice
Authorisation / Appointment of Agents
Declaration of Election Expenses Already Incurred/Cross-Authorisation and Authorisation to Incur Election Expenses by a List of Candidates in a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency Election
Authorisation to Incur Election Expenses in a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency) Election
Notice of Adjustment of Authorised Amount of Election Expenses/Authorisation to Incur Election Expenses/Notice of Revocation of Authorisation to Incur Election Expenses by a List of Candidates in a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency Election
Notice of Revocation of Authorisation to Incur Election Expenses in a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency) Election
Notice of Appointment of Election Agent
Notice of Appointment of Polling Agents for a Polling Station not Situated in a Penal Institution
Notice of Appointment of Polling Agent for a Dedicated Polling Station Situated in a Penal Institution (other than a Maximum Security Prison) and Application for Consent to the Presence of Election Agent/ Polling Agent in a Dedicated Polling Station Situated in a Penal Institution (other than a Maximum Security Prison)
Notice of Appointment of Counting Agents for a Geographical Constituency
Notice of Appointment of Counting Agents for a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency)
Notice of Appointment of Counting Agents for District Council (second) Functional Constituency
Notice of Revocation of Appointment of Agent
Election Advertisements
Information Sheet in relation to Election Advertisements
Notes on Submission of Election Advertisements in Hard Copies for Public Inspection
Application for Creating an Account of the Central Platform and Undertaking in respect of the Terms and Conditions in Using the Central Platform for Candidates (The duly completed application and undertaking should be delivered by hand or by post to the Chief Electoral Officer at Unit 2301-03, 23/F, Millennium City 6, 392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon)
Procedural Guide on Submission of Election Advertisements onto the Central Platform
Notification of the Electronic Address of the Candidate's Platform (The duly completed notification should be delivered to the Chief Electoral Officer: By hand or by post (Address: Unit 2301-03, 23/F, Millennium City 6, 392 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon) By electronic mail (e-mail address: By facsimile transmission (Fax no.: 2503 9062))
Points to Note for Building Candidate's Platform
Notification of Corrected Information in relation to Election Advertisements
Consent of Support Given by Individual(s) in Personal Capacity or Official Capacity
Consent of Support Given in Organisational Capacity
Permission for Display of Election Advertisements or Conduct of Electioneering Activities at Private Premises
Intention to Display Election Advertisements at Designated Spots
Conditions for Display of Election Advertisements at Designated Spots
Frequently Asked Questions - Election Advertisements
Free Postage for Election Mail
REO/C/17(GC/DS)/2020LC(SDF) (Geographical Constituencies / District Council (second) Functional Constituency)
Notice of Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/17(Labour)/2020LC(SDF) (Labour Functional Constituency)
Notice of Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/17(FC)/2020LC(SDF) (Functional Constituencies (other than the District Council (second) and Labour Functional Constituencies))
Notice of Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(GC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the Hong Kong Island Geographical Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(GC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the Kowloon West Geographical Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(GC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the Kowloon East Geographical Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(GC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the New Territories West Geographical Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(GC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the New Territories East Geographical Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(DS)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of District Council (second) Functional Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(Labour)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of the Labour Functional Constituency)
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
REO/C/18(FC)/2020LC(SF) (For the use of Lists of Candidates of Functional Constituencies (other than the District Council (second) and Labour Functional Constituencies))
Declaration for Posting of Election Mail
Election Expenses / Election Donations
Part I
Part II
Part III
Notes REO/C/1(GC)(DC(2)FC)/2020LC(SF)
Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Election Donations by a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency List of Candidates
Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Election Donations by a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency) Candidate
Guide to Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Election Donations (Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency)
Guide to Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Election Donations (Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency))
Standard Receipt for Election Donations to a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency Candidate List
Standard Receipt for Election Donations to an Individual Candidate on a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency Candidate List
Standard Receipt for Election Donations to a Candidate for a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency)
Advance Return and Declaration of Election Donations by a Geographical Constituency/District Council (second) Functional Constituency List of Candidates
Advance Return and Declaration of Election Donations by a Functional Constituency (other than the District Council (second) Functional Constituency) Candidate
Frequently Asked Questions - Election Return
Guidelines on Claim for Government Payment in respect of Declared Election Expenses, Claim Form and Notes
REO/C/21A Guidelines/2020LCE (Revised April 2021)
Guidelines on Claim for Government Payment in respect of Declared Election Expenses
Claim for Government Payment in respect of Declared Election Expenses
Notes for Candidate and Independent Auditor of Candidate
Notice of Withdrawal of Candidature
Declaration of Secrecy
Return of Election Deposit
Notification of Decision on Electioneering Activities
Notification of the Intention to Hold a Public Meeting/Procession
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