Submit Voter Registration Application Forms
You may submit the voter registration form, together with an address proof issued in the last three months (applicable for (i) change of residential address; and (ii) new voter registration), to the Registration and Electoral Office by the following means-
- through “iAM Smart” mobile App (If you have an "iAM Smart+" account with digital signing function or a valid personal digital certificate) (Click here for the user manual)
- through online application (If you have an "iAM Smart+" account with digital signing function or a valid personal digital certificate)
- by email to
- through the e-Form Upload Platform
- by post to the Registration and Electoral Office, 29/F, Standard Chartered Tower, Millennium City 1, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
- by fax to 2891 1180
Guidance Notes on Submission of Voter Registration Application by Digital Files
In addition, if you are a registered elector, you can submit application through “iAM Smart” mobile App, submit online application or send an email to should you wish to provide/update your email address for communication with the Registration and Electoral Office and/or for receiving election mail related to electioneering activities from the candidates of the constituencies concerned.
In accordance with the relevant electoral regulation, the Registration and Electoral Office will assign constituencies and polling stations based on the electors’ registered addresses in the current Final Register of Electors.