Service Desk

Service Desk

Disclosure Log - 2020

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) by the Registration and Electoral Office. The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

January to March 2020
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
56/2019 Information about the Government Records Disposal Schedule for the disposal of the 2016 Final Register of Functional Constituencies and Election Committee Subsectors/Sub-subsectors
Number of inquiry letters issued by the Registration and Electoral Office from 2011 to 2019;

Number of persons on the omissions list for geographical constituencies from 2004 to 2019;

Number of electors covered by the checking measures for residential addresses with multiple surnames/multiple electors, non-residential/commercial addresses and random sample checks from 2012 to 2019;

Number of electors involved in cases referred to the law enforcement agencies by the Registration and Electoral Office for follow-up and investigation from 2012 to 2018;

Number of electors prosecuted and convicted after investigation in the voter registration cycle from 2012 to 2018;

Breakdown of complaint cases in respect of the District Council Elections and Legislative Council Elections from 2004 to 2019
8/2020 Information on the Hotline Team of the Registration and Electoral Office
9/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 1998 Legislative Council Election, 2000 Legislative Council Election, 2004 Legislative Council Election, 2008 Legislative Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election and 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 1999 District Council Election, 2003 District Council Election, 2007 District Council Election, 2011 District Council Election and 2015 District Council Ordinary Election
10/2020 Number of electors, number of verified electors and number of unsuccessful applications in Information Technology Functional Constituency from 2017 to 2019;

Distribution of number of registered electors whose names were struck out in the Final Register of Information Technology Functional Constituency from 2017 to 2019
11/2020 Hourly voter turnout of and number of electors assigned to each constituency in the 2011 District Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2011 District Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency by age group and gender in the Final Registers from 2011 to 2019;

Information relating to the polling station boundaries in respect of the 2011 District Council Election, 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted in the 2011 District Council Election and 2015 District Council Ordinary Election
12/2020 Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of the territory and each district in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each constituency in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate in the 2017 Central and Western District Council by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each constituency in the 2017 Central and Western District Council by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2017 Central and Western District Council by-election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2017 Central and Western District Council by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate in the 2018 Eastern District Council Kai Hiu Constituency by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2018 Eastern District Council Kai Hiu Constituency by-election;

Voter turnout by age group and gender in the 2018 Eastern District Council Kai Hiu Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate in the 2019 Yau Tsim Mong District Council Tai Nan Constituency by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2019 Yau Tsim Mong District Council Tai Nan Constituency by-election;

Voter turnout of by age group and gender in the 2019 Yau Tsim Mong District Council Tai Nan Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate in the 2019 Yuen Long District Council San Tin Constituency by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2019 Yuen Long District Council San Tin Constituency by-election;

Voter turnout of San Tin Constituency by age group and gender in the 2019 Yuen Long District Council San Tin Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of the territory, each Geographical Constituency and the District Council (Second) Functional Constituency in the 2012 Legislative Council Election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of registered electors of each District in the 2012 Final Register;

Number of electors in the District Council (Second) Functional Constituency of each District in the 2012 Legislative Council Election;

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each polling station in the 2012 Legislative Council Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2012 Legislative Council Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of New Territories East Geographical Constituency in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of registered electors of each District in the 2015 Final Register;

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of the territory, each Geographical Constituency and the District Council (Second) Functional Constituency in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of registered electors of each District in the 2016 Final Register;

Number of electors in the District Council (Second) Functional Constituency of each District in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of the territory and each Geographical Constituency in the 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of registered electors of each District in the 2017 Final Register;

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each polling station in the 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency);

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of Kowloon West Geographical Constituency in the 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency by-election (including the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of registered electors of each District in the 2018 Final Register;

Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each polling station in the 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations);

Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted at each counting station in the 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency by-election;

Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency by-election (excluding the figures of dedicated polling stations)
15/2020 Number of applications received, number of qualified candidates, shortlisting criteria and number of candidates invited for interview in respect of the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant conducted by the Registration and Electoral Office in October 2019
16/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2008 Legislative Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election, 2016 Legislative Council General Election and 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency)
17/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2011 District Council Election and 2015 District Council Ordinary Election
18/2020 Voter turnout in the Fifth Term Chief Executive Election;

Number of Election Committee Members on the Final Register in the 2016 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections
19/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency by-election, 2016 Legislative Council General Election, 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) and 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency by-election;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency by age group and gender in the 2015 Final Register;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency in Central and Western District by age group and gender in the 2017 Final Register;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency in Eastern District by age group and gender in the 2017 Final Register;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency in Yau Tsim Mong District by age group and gender in the 2018 Final Register;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency in Yuen Long District by age group and gender in the 2018 Final Register;

Number of registered electors of each District Council constituency by age group and gender in the 2019 Final Register
April to June 2020
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
23/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
24/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in Wong Tai Sin District and Kwun Tong District in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
25/2020 Distribution of registered electors of each District Council constituency by age group and gender in the Final Registers from 2015 to 2019
26/2020 Conditions for Display of Election Advertisements at Designated Spots for Candidates;

Methods and eligibility to be registered as an elector in a Geographical Constituency;

Information about the identification of suitable venues as polling stations for elections by the REO;

Information about the mechanism of the REO in dealing with occurrences in elections;

Information about the mechanism of the REO in handling complaints relating to voter registration;

Elections conducted by the REO;

Number of electoral assistants employed by the REO from 2013 to 2019;

Information about the recruitment exercises of electoral assistants;

Number of general assistants employed by the REO from 2013 to 2019;

The function and the inspection methods of final registers of electors
27/2020 Voter turnout of Luk Yeung Constituency by age group and gender in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
28/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in Wong Tai Sin District, Kwun Tong District, Kowloon City District and Tai Po District by age group and gender in the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in Kowloon City District and Tai Po District by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of the Kowloon East Geographical Constituency by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council General Elections
29/2020 Voter turnout of each constituency by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
31/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2011 District Council Election, 2015 District Council Ordinary Election, 2008 Legislative Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2016 Legislative Council General Election, 2016 Legislative Council By-election (New Territories East Geographical Constituency), 2018 Legislative Council By-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) and 2018 Legislative Council Kowloon West Geographical Constituency By-election
32/2020 Age and Sex profile of registered electors of each District Council constituency in the Final Registers from 2011 to 2017;

Number of electors assigned to each ordinary polling station in the 2012 Legislative Council Election, 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 1999 District Council Election, 2003 District Council Election, 2007 District Council Election and 2011 District Council Election
34/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
36/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
37/2020 Tender details of REO HQSR/3-5/26/2018-006
38/2020 Estimated number of persons eligible for voter registration in 2019 and voter registration rate in 2019 by age group and gender
39/2020 Hourly aggregate voter turnout of the territory in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of the territory by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
40/2020 Tender document of REO HQSR/3-5/26/2015-006;

Accepted tender sum for REO HQSR/3-5/26/2015-006
43/2020 Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted in each ordinary polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election and 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
45/2020 Information on distribution of age group, gender, district and eligibility for registration of all registered electors and new registered electors in Information Technology Functional Constituency in the 2020 Provisional Register;

Number of disqualified electors in Information Technology Functional Constituency in the 2020 Provisional Register;

Number of registered electors in Information Technology Functional Constituency in the 2019 Final Register and the 2020 Provisional Register
July to September 2020
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
47/2020 Number of registered voters of the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Election Committee subsector in the 2020 Final Register of Voters
48/2020 Number of ballot papers in ballot boxes that were not counted in each ordinary polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election and 2018 Legislative Council by-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency)
49/2020 Information relating to the number of electors in the voter registration website
51/2020 Hourly aggregate voter turnout of the Bik Woo Constituency (R39) in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
52/2020 Election Return submitted by each candidate of the Bik Woo Constituency (R39) in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
53/2020 Number of registered individual electors of the Information Technology Functional Constituency in the Final Registers from 2012 to 2015
55/2020 Election-related legislative provisions;

Functions of the REO;

Public forms for different elections;

Measures taken by the REO after the loss of a Final Register of Electors;

Polling arrangements for the elderly;

Arrangements for packing, delivering, collecting and storing electoral materials;

Responsibilities of the Polling Station and Material Team and the Central Counting Team;

Methods to announce voter turnout;

Mechanism of the REO in dealing with suspected loss of personal data;

Functions of the Electoral Information Centre and the number of visitors in 2019;

Duties of Electoral Assistants;

Classification of voter turnout;

Procedures in handing election complaints and the number of complaints received during the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Administration support provided by Electoral Assistants;

Situations which may affect an elector’s eligibility to vote;

Information about the Inspection of Registration Particulars of electors;

Number of Legislative Council members in Functional Constituencies;

Functional Constituencies that accept only eligible bodies to be registered as electors and Functional Constituencies that accept both eligible bodies and individuals to be registered as electors;

Number of seats for the Geographical Constituencies in the Legislative Council General Election;

Supervisory duties of Electoral Assistants
57/2020 The statistical figures and breakdown of all registered electors and newly registered elector in the Information Technology Functional Constituency in 2020 Final Register by age profile; sex profile; district distribution of the residential address and membership;

Number of electors no longer eligible to be registered in the Information Technology Functional Constituency in the 2020 Final Register
58/2020 Information about the Declarations or Candidates in the 2020 Legislative Council General Election
60/2020 Follow-up actions taken by the REO upon notification that an elector is not residing in his/her registered address;

Protection of personal data of electors in the REO;

Information about the suspension of public Inspection of Registration Particulars;

Information about election petition;

Enquiry about Returning Officers;

Eligibility for being nominated as a candidate, disqualified from being nominated as a candidate and the requirements to be complied with by persons nominated as candidates

Reporting of change of registered address and information about change of Legislative Council General Election Geographical Constituency;

Eligibility to be an elector in a Geographical Constituency;

Handling of officers who are under criminal investigation/proceedings in the REO;

Growth in the number of electors in the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Functional Constituency in the 2020 Final Register;

The number of electors in the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Functional Constituency opposed by Hong Kong Publishing Federation Limited;

Qualifications required for registration as a corporate elector in the Labour Functional Constituency;

Measures taken by the REO to avoid loss of electors’ personal data;

Integrity checking of candidates by the REO;

Matters relating to the contract renewal of Non-Civil Service Contract staff;

Arrangements of the 2021 Legislative Council General Election, including the nomination period, the 2021 Voter Registration cycle and the estimated expenditure
65/2020 Number of persons eligible for voter registration by age group in the 2003, 2007, 2015, 2019 and 2020 Final Registers
68/2020 Procedures to register as an elector of the geographical constituency
69/2020 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and sex in the Legislative Council Elections from 1998 to 2018;

Lists of polling stations by constituency in the Legislative Council Elections from 1998 to 2018
October to December 2020
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
72/2020 Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Election Donations by Candidates of the 2020 Legislative Council General Election

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.