Service Desk

Service Desk

Disclosure Log - 2021

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) by the Registration and Electoral Office. The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

January to March 2021
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
2/2021 Information about the Internship Scheme for Students with Disabilities (“the Scheme”):-

  1. Number of applications received each year;

  2. Number of interns hired each year during the past five years;

  3. Deployment of interns within the Registration and Electoral
     Office and their job responsibilities;

  4. Procedures for selecting interns;

  5. Evaluation method for the overall quality of the Scheme
3/2021 Tender document of REO HQSR/3-5/26/2015-005 and information relating to its awarded amount
4/2021 Number of applications for electoral posts received by the REO and number of electoral staff appointed by the Registration and Electoral Office for the 2016 Legislative Council (“LC”) General Election and the 2019 District Council (“DC”) Ordinary Election;

Number of electoral staff directed by the REO to work and stay overnight in outlying islands or in remote areas and received a special allowance in the 2016 LC General Election and the 2019 DC Ordinary Election
April to June 2021
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
5/2021 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Hourly aggregate voter turnout of the territory in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Voter turnout of the territory by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election;

Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
6/2021 The estimated number of persons eligible for voter registration and the registration rate in Hong Kong as a whole according to age groups between 2015 and 2020;

Number of electors who were omitted from the Final Registers due to their own applications for de-registration or death during the election cycles from 2006 to 2020;

Information relating to the work of the Registration and Electoral Office in verifying electors’ registered addresses:
  1. Follow-up actions taken after receiving related complaints;
  2. Checking measures;
  3. Number of electors covered by the checking measures during the voter registration cycles from 2012 to 2020; and
  4. Number of electors who were omitted from the final registers due to their failure to respond to the statutory inquiry process during the voter registration cycles from 2008 to 2020.
July to September 2021
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
8/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 15 November 2013:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
9/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 2 January 2015:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
10/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 16 October 2015:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
11/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 4 September 2017:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
12/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 11 January 2019:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
13/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 11 October 2019:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list; and

  9. The salary
October to December 2021
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
7/2021 Number of geographical constituency electors removed from the 2021 Final Register due to their own applications for de-registration
14/2021 Information about the recruitment exercise of Electoral Assistant posted by the Registration and Electoral Office on 21 May 2021:-

  1. Number of applicants;

  2. Whether the REO has sent page 8 of GF340 to applicant for confirmation;

  3. Whether the REO will consider candidates with “Level 2 in the Use of English (“UE”) and Use of Chinese (“UC”) papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” as equivalent to “Level 3 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent”;

  4. Whether the REO has invited candidates with “Level 2 or below in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSE” but obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” to attend interview;

  5. Whether the REO has devised shortlisting criteria because of a large number of candidates; if yes, the details of the shortlisting criteria;

  6. Number of candidates invited to attend interview and number of candidates attended interview;

  7. Number of offer of appointment;

  8. Number of candidates on the waiting list;

  9. The salary

  10. Whether a candidate will be invited for interview if he/she holds “a Hong Kong Degree, or equivalent”; and has obtained “Level 2 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or the HKCEE, or equivalent”? If not, what are the further shortlisting criteria?; and

  11. Will the REO consider candidates who have obtained “Level 2 in the UE and UC papers of the Common Recruitment Examination” or “local accredited Higher Diplomas and Associate Degrees” as “having attained Level 3 in English Language and Level 2 in Chinese Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)”?
15/2021 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2010 Legislative Council By-election;

List of polling stations by constituency in the 2010 Legislative Council By-election;

Number of electors assigned to and hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in the 2010 Legislative Council By-election
17/2021 Sex profile of registered electors in the final registers from 2016 to 2021
18/2021 Number of electors, voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each ordinary polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency By-election, 2016 Legislative Council General Election and 2018 Legislative Council By-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency) ;

Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2016 Legislative Council New Territories East Geographical Constituency By-election, 2016 Legislative Council General Election and 2018 Legislative Council By-election (Hong Kong Island, Kowloon West and New Territories East Geographical Constituencies, Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Functional Constituency)
19/2021 Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election
20/2021 Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station of Kowloon West and Kowloon East Constituencies in the 2016 Legislative Council General Election
21/2021 Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election
22/2021 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.