Acceptable Address Proofs
When processing the application for voter registration, the Registration and Electoral Office accepts the documents below issued within the last three months (subject to the date on which the application form is received by the Registration and Electoral Office), which bear the issuing date, the name of issuing organisation, the applicant's name and principal residential address (name and address on the document should be identical to those on the Hong Kong Identity Card and in the application form respectively) as a valid proof of address:
- bills of mobile phone, internet services, paid television or landline telephone;
- statements or correspondences issued by banks, insurance companies or Mandatory Provident Fund Approved Trustees;
- documents or bills issued by local post-secondary institutions confirming the applicant's residential address;
- bills or invoices issued by public bodies (e.g. utility bills for water, electricity or towngas services);
- correspondences from government departments or the Judiciary;
- valid and "stamped" (for stamp duty) tenancy agreement (there is no need for it to be issued within 3 months before the date of submitting the application but such tenancy period should cover the date of receipt of the application); or
- bills, correspondences or other documents issued by public organisation, such as the Hospital Authority, Housing Department, Hong Kong Housing Society, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, etc.
If the applicant is not able to produce any documents listed above, he/she can also consider the following methods:
- a statutory declaration provided by the applicant made before a Commissioner for Oaths/a practising solicitor/a Justice of the Peace by virtue of the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap.11) to substantiate the claim of residing at the declared address. Free service for making statutory declarations for the purpose related to voter registration is available at this Office. For details, please check the Registration and Electoral Office providing statutory declarations service for matters related to voter registration in geographical constituencies; or
- address proof bearing the name and residential address of the person residing with the applicant, and a declaration signed by the applicant to confirm that such other person is living with the applicant at the same address above and that the attached address proof is a complete original or true copy of the original. Sample of the declaration can be downloaded here.