Service Desk

Service Desk

Disclosure Log - 2023

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) by the Registration and Electoral Office. The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

January to March 2023
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
14/2022 The number of subscribers received by each candidate of the 2022 Legislative Council Election Committee Constituency By-election;

Voter turnout statistics of Legislative Council Elections and By-elections held from 1998 to 2021
1/2023 Information in relation to all outgoing and incoming ex-officio members of the Election Committee (“EC”) during the period from the publication of the EC Final Register on 22 October 2021 to 1 January 2023.
April to June 2023
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
14/2022 The number of valid and invalid ballot papers of the 2022 Legislative Council Election Committee Constituency By-election
2/2023 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2021 Legislative Council General Election

Statistics relating to the 2021 Legislative Council General Election:-
  1. Voter turnout of each geographical constituency by age group and gender;
  2. Voter turnout of the territory by age group and gender;
  3. Voter turnout of each boundary control points polling station by age group and gender
  4. Whether the voter turnout of each geographical constituency by age group and gender includes the voter turnout of each boundary control points polling station;
  5. Number of electors assigned to each ordinary polling station, including boundary control points polling station, by geographical constituencies and functional constituencies; and
  6. The reason for absence of age information of certain electors in the voter turnout statistics by age group and gender.
Number of persons eligible for voter registration (estimated figures), number of registered electors (actual figures) and registration rate for 1998;

Number of persons eligible for voter registration (estimated figures), number of registered electors (actual figures) and registration rate by age groups for the period 1999 to 2008 and 2019 to 2021
5/2023; 7/2023 Statistics relating to the 2021 Legislative Council General Election:-
  1. Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender; and
  2. Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station.
6/2023 Statistics relating to the 2021 Legislative Council General Election:-
  1. Hourly aggregate voter turnout of each ordinary polling station (Geographical Constituencies) (including the Election Committee constituency polling station at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and the Boundary Control Points Polling Stations);
  2. Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender (Geographical Constituencies) (including the Election Committee constituency polling station at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and the Boundary Control Points Polling Stations);
  3. Hourly aggregate voter turnout and voter turnout rate of each Election Committee Constituency Polling Station (Election Committee Constituency); and
  4. Hourly aggregate voter turnout and voter turnout rate (Functional Constituencies) (including the Election Committee constituency polling station at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and the Boundary Control Points Polling Stations)
8/2023 Statistics relating to the 2007 District Council Election, the 2011 District Councils Election, the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election:-
  1. Voter turnout of each District Council Constituency Area and each ordinary polling station of Wong Tai Shin District by age group and gender;
  2. Voter turnout of the territory and each District by age group and gender; and
  3. Number of persons eligible for voter registration, registered electors and overall registration rate
Age and sex profile of registered voters by District Council Constituency Areas of the 2011 District Councils Election, the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election and the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election

Voter turnout of the territory by age group and gender in the 2008 Legislative Council Election, 2012 Legislative Council Election, the 2016 Legislative Council General Election and the 2021 Legislative Council General Election

Statistics relating to the 2012 Legislative Council Election, the 2016 Legislative Council General Election, the 2020 Legislative Council General Election and the 2021 Legislative Council General Election:-
  1. Age and sex profile of registered voters by District Council Constituency Areas; and
  2. Number of persons eligible for voter registration, registered electors and overall registration rate
July to September 2023
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
9/2023, 13/2023 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2021 Legislative Council General Election
11/2023 Information relating to the Complaints Handling Mechanism
October to December 2023
Entry/Reference number Information requested and released
10/2023 Estimated overall voter registration rate from 2017 to 2022 and the overall number of self-request deregistration from 2015 to 2023
15/2023 The voter turnout by District Council Constituency Areas for the District Council Ordinary Elections from 1999 to 2019
16/2023 Number of registered electors by age from 2020 to 2023
18/2023 Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender in the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election

Statistics relating to the 2021 Legislative Council General Election:-
  1. Voter turnout of each ordinary polling station by age group and gender;
  2. Voter turnout of each geographical constituency by age group and gender;
  3. Voter turnout of the territory by age group and gender;
  4. Voter turnout of each boundary control points polling station by age group and gender;
  5. Whether the voter turnout of each geographical constituency by age group and gender includes the voter turnout of each boundary control points polling station;
  6. Number of electors assigned to each ordinary polling station, including boundary control points polling station, by geographical constituencies and functional constituencies; and
  7. The reason for absence of age information of certain electors in the voter turnout statistics by age group and gender.
20/2023 Information relating to the work from home arrangements for government employees
21/2023 Information relating to the recruitment of electoral staff for the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.